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最新 devhook 0.43/0.44/0.45 同點玩 iso

作者: wen 日期: 2006-7-26 10:58 閱讀: 1891打印 收藏
DEVHOOK 0.45, 操作方法跟 0.44 一樣. 之前有機會黑畫面現在置頂版本已經改善. 不過我自己用落覺得 0.43 版已經不錯, 幾穩定, 可以玩到98% 以上既 games. 用那一個版本自己衡量, 不一定最新就最好, 因為要配合玩既 ISO, 新版本還可能有新 bugs.

以下為 2006年 6月以來, DEVHOOK 各版本 :
0.41d - FW 2.5 最穩定版本, 玩唔到 Outrun 2006 同 電車 GO 大阪環狀線
              玩到 頭D, MHP等.
0.42a/b - FW 2.5, 跟 0.41d 比穩定差少少 (自己感覺)
0.43 - FW 2.6 幾穩定, 可以玩到 Outrun 2006 同 電車 GO 大阪環狀線
0.44 - FW 2.71 尚算穩定, 有待改善, 支援中文介面, FLASH
0.45 - FW 2.71 尚算穩定, 有待改善, 支援 2.XX介面行 HOMEBREW

玩iso基本條件, 一部 1.5 PSP 和 Devhook 引導軟件

Devhook 0.43/0.44/0.45,  !!!

以下為 0.43/44/45 的設定;安裝目錄圖:
    MSD:┳ISO/ (ISO,CSO鏡像)
            ┣devhook   (or similar)            
                                    ┣devhook%      (or similar)

devhook0.43/44/45 設置
FIRMWARE:2.60 (0.44/0.45版 set 2.71)
boot select:reboot XMB

如需里面密碼:0000 (如需要)

To play 玩 ISO:

1.unzip using winrar
(利用 winrar 軟件解壓下載回來的 game, 解壓到 .ISO 檔案, 可以用 CISO Utility 再壓成 devhook可以認到既 .CSO)

2.in the ms root : create a folder called "ISO"
(在 MS棒目錄, 開個檔案夾叫 ISO <--如果冇)

3.only put filename.iso or filename.cso <--- compressed iso
into "ISO" folder , only iso & cso can be recognised by devhood 0.43/0.44/0.45, do not play .dax iso with devhood
(放之前解壓既 .ISO or .CSO 遊戲檔到 ISO 檔案夾)

4.in fw 1.5 desktop, go to game-->memory stick--> load devhook 0.43/0.44/0.45, press O for setting, for setting info, refer to above
(開機到1.5固件桌面, 到game 子目錄-->ms棒-->按 O or X 入 devhook 0.43/0.44/0.45), PSP 字出現, 入到 devhook 設定介面按 O, 然後到各設定好 <--照上面設定參數)

5. Provide there is compatible iso , and you choose to start, the psp will load to fw2.6 or fw2.71 and the game should start automatically
(只有 .ISO/.CSO遊戲而你又在設定選擇, 按 devhook 目錄既 "START" 就會模擬2.6 or 2.71固件同自動引導遊戲, 一定要有任何一隻 UMD係機內, 唔係玩唔到)

6. Press "home" + (L+R) to quit game, make sure you save first.
(要出遊戲請同時按 "home" + "L" + "R" 鏈, 然後問你要出game, 再按 yes)

7.After quitting, it will be back to fw2.6/2.71
(之後會出到2.6/2.71 固件桌面)

8. you can use fw 2.6/2.71 as normal including internet in BIG 5
(模擬2.6/2.71固件係可以用所有野的, 包中文網頁上網, 利用 wifi 但一定要devhook設定速度 222MHz, 聽歌, 睇片, (0.44 還可 set 語言到中文及支援 wma; 0.45 有中文介面同 flash, portable TV 支援), 玩正版 game 不過要以下設定:
devhook 0.43/44/45 玩正版  UMD 碟遊戲基本設定:
      UMD SELECT (選 - - UMD DISC - - )
      UMD VERSION (選 2.XX -> 2.00 )
      FIRMWARE (選 2.60 or 0.44/0.45 版 2.71 )
      CPU CLOCK (選 222 MHz / 111 MHz )
      REMOTE CTRL  (選 remote controller)
      最後選 START 運行devhook0.43/44/45,系統會自行 REBOOT 至 FW 2.60/2.71 並運行你所 選擇 UMD 碟 遊戲)

9. if you want to swap iso, please highlight "game umd" icon (don't press it) and use home + "L or R" to swap, then press to load that game.
(如果你想在 2.6/2.71 介面下轉game, 請 highlight "game umd"個 icon, 唔好按下, 同時按 "Home" + "L" or "Home" + "R" , 等3,4 秒, 新 game個 umd畫面出現時, 可按下load遊戲)

10. 0.43/0.44/0.45 不用關機重返1.5主機畫面方法如下:

11. 截圖係 screen capture, 即在 game內的畫面可以 capture 出來, 就在 ms:\psp\photo 下整一個新 folder 叫 "CAPTURE", 然後在 game內按 "HOME" + "音樂" 掣就得.
然後到 psp photo 子目錄可以按"三角掣"選目錄 --> 設定為桌布

以下為一位名 Ooops 係第二個 forum 既 setting 教學, 我 post 出來分享, 版權為 Ooops 擁有!!!

--- Devhook settings ---

  • Booting 1.5 and 1.0 version game backups in 1.50flash mode without a game UMD in drive
    This is supposed to work for most version 1.50 games and below, as untouched ISOs, which can also be compressed in CSO format.You need to have the file reboot.bin (from a 1.5 dump, you can use the included firmware installer for this purpose) into dh\150F\ and also have the 0.45 version of Devhook for this to work.

    UMD SELECT: select your ISO
    UMD MOUNT: ISO NOUMD(1.50 only)
    UMD VERSION: no change
    FIRMWARE: 1.50F(NANDFlash)
    CPU CLOCK: 222 Mhz (333 if experiencing lag but network functions will have issues, see Troubleshooting part)
    PL-ADR: 89000000 (in: OTHER/preload address menu)

    • Booting game backups directly from devhook through RunUMD without UMD in drive in 1.5flash mode
      This is supposed to work for most version 2.50 games and below, as untouched ISOs, which can also be compressed in CSO format. You need to have the file reboot.bin (from a 1.5 dump, you can use the included firmware installer for this purpose) into dh\150F\ and also have the 0.45 version of Devhook for this to work.

      UMD SELECT: select your ISO
      UMD MOUNT: ISO NOUMD(1.50 only)
      UMD VERSION: no change
      FIRMWARE: 1.50F(NANDFlash)
      CPU CLOCK: 222 Mhz (333 if experiencing lag but network functions will have issues, see Troubleshooting part)
      BOOT SELECT: RunUMD(1.50 only)
      PL-ADR: 89000000 (in: OTHER/preload address menu)

      • Booting game backups in 2.71 emulation with a game UMD in drive
        This is supposed to work for all version 2.71 games and below, as untouched ISOs, which can also be compressed in CSO format. Also please note that many games only needs the UMD in drive only until they reached the start screen. If the game seems waiting (usually when loading stages) or sounds suddenly missing, put back the UMD in drive. Eg: Worms needs an UMD only to reach start screen and while loading the levels.

        UMD SELECT: select your ISO
        UMD VERSION: no change
        FIRMWARE: 2.71(MS hook)
        CPU CLOCK: 222 Mhz (333 if experiencing lag but network functions will have issues, see Troubleshooting part)
        BOOT SELECT: Reboot XMB
        PL-ADR: 89000000 (in: OTHER/preload address menu)

        • Booting UMD games in 2.71 emulation
          This is supposed to work for all 2.71 games and below, but has not been much tested yet.

          UMD SELECT: UMD Disc
          UMD VERSION: no change
          FIRMWARE: 2.71(MS hook)
          CPU CLOCK: 222 Mhz (333 if need of smoothness, but messes with networks functions, see Troubleshooting section)
          BOOT SELECT: Reboot XMB
          PL-ADR: 89000000 (in: OTHER/preload address menu)

          • Playing a audio/video UMD
            This should play any audio/video UMD of the same region as your PSP.

            UMD SELECT: UMD Disc
            UMD MOUNT: UMD DISC
            UMD VERSION: no change
            FIRMWARE: 2.71(MS hook)
            CPU CLOCK: 222 Mhz
            BOOT SELECT: Reboot XMB
            PL-ADR: 89000000 (in: OTHER/preload address menu)

            • Booting in 2.71 mode to use the Web browser, RSS ect
              If you have stability issues with this mode or if you want to have the CPU clock set at 333Mhz, you can also install and use the 2.5 firmware which is more stable and has a proper 333Mhz fix (replace dh/250/flash0/wlan.prx with wlan.prx from the 2.0 firmware dump. You can obtain it with the firmware installer supplied with devhook and a 2.0 update EBOOT.

              UMD SELECT: UMD Disc
              UMD MOUNT: UMD DISC
              UMD VERSION: no change
              FIRMWARE: 2.71(MS hook) (or 2.50, see notes above)
              CPU CLOCK: 222 Mhz
              BOOT SELECT: Reboot XMB
              PL-ADR: 89000000 (in: OTHER/preload address menu)

              --- Devhook shortcuts ---

              • Ingame (2.71 mode) reboot to 1.5 mode XMB: hit HOME, highlight YES, hold L+R+UP and click YES while holding. Wait until the MS has flashed once then release buttons.

                • Quick ISO change under 2.71 XMB: HOME+L or HOME+R

                  • CPU clock change under 2.71 XMB: HOME+SELECT

                    --- RunUMD installation and usage with Devhook ---

                    • Installing RunUMD for Devhook usage
                      You can use either the original 00101a1 version or the 'faststart patched' one which boots quicker.
                      You need the EBOOT.PBP from the non-% folder to be placed in this folder: PSP/GAME/RunUMD/EBOOT.PBP (note: there are mods which change this path to hide the corrupted icon, please refer to their readme).
                      You also need an X folder in the root of your Memory stick. If you don't have one it can be created by running the original version of RunUMD but such folders have often a poor compatibility with other games. It's recommended to get a 'generic' X folder from an old fix/ripkit. As weird as it sounds some games need a copy of the x folder inside the x folder itself to boot with RunUMD.

                      • Compatibility issues and troubleshooting related to RunUMD
                        - RunUMD makes some games unable to recognize and use the Memory stick as a savedata device. In this case, look for a fix in Meetjoeblack's dedicated thread or use 2.6 or 2.71 emulation mode.
                        - RunUMD makes some games unable to produce any sound. It's the same solutions as above: ripkit or 2.6 mode.
                        - The 'Ingame reboot to 1.5 XMB' shortcut seems to be broken in NOUMD RunUMD mode: it crashes the PSP just after returned to 1.5 XMB.
                        - Normal exiting function with HOME button also seems broken here: crashes PSP.
                        - If you downgraded your PSP from 2.6 and RunUMD crashes at startup, see here.
                        - Some games don't work at all with this method (crash during gameplay): GTA.

                      [此帖子已經被作者於2006/7/29 21:28:16編輯過]

                      附件: 您所在的用戶組無法下載或查看附件



                      使用Devhook 0.43模擬程式是不是一定需要一張


                      請大大教一下吧 謝謝

                      以下是引用vibalarm在2006/7/30 18:24:30的發言:

                      使用Devhook 0.43模擬程式是不是一定需要一張


                      請大大教一下吧 謝謝

