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作者: hkengineer1 日期: 2014-3-7 22:49 閱讀: 551打印 收藏
中文名: 翻開就能用:家居生活英語
資源格式: PDF
語言: 簡體中文





Chapter 1 Moving into a House喬遷新居
Unit 1 Buying a House購置新房
Unit 2 House Decoration房屋裝修
Unit 3 Buying Household Appliances購買家電
Unit 4 Room Decoration房間裝飾
Chapter 2 Food Culture食全食美
Unit 1 Chinese Food品嘗中餐
Unit 2 Eating at a Restaurant飯店就餐
Unit 3 Table Manners餐桌禮儀
Chapter 3 0n the Journey人在旅途
Unit 1 Starting a Trip旅途出行
Unit 2 Natural Scenery自然風光
Unit 3 Scenic Spots名勝古跡
Unit 4 Shopping旅途購物
Chapter 4 Sports休閒運動
Unit 1 Water Sports水上運動
Unit 2 Ball Games球類運動
Unit 3 Running and Climbing跑步登山
Unit 4 Sports Matches競技比賽
Chapter 5 Entertainment消遣娛樂
Unit 1 Watching TV觀看電視
Unit 2 Movies電影欣賞
Unit 3 Surfing Online飆網
Unit 4 Music and Drama音樂戲劇
Unit 5 In a Bar酒吧休憩
Chapter 6 At Hospital求醫看病
Unit 1 Ambulatory Surgery住院手術
Unit 2 Having Medicine and Injections打針吃藥
Unit 3 Visiting the Sick探望病人
Chapter 7 Making Friends結交朋友
Unit 1 First Meeting初次相識
Unit 2 Chatting聊天寒暄
Unit 3 Gathering開心聚會
Unit 4 Dance歡樂舞會
Unit 5 Telephone電話交際
Unit 6 Thanks and Apology致謝道歉
Chapter 8 Family Time家庭時間
Unit 1 Talking about School討論學習
Unit 2 Dreams and Hobbies理想愛好
Unit 3 Life Stance生活態度
Chapter 9 Daily Life生活百態
Chapter 10 Emergency緊急情況

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