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[轉帖][PSP上新界面]PSP SibriOS dashboard

作者: wen 日期: 2005-11-16 02:12 閱讀: 1090打印 收藏

由一個叫Sibriam的小组近日發表了一個名叫PSP SibriOS的dashboard(一個功能強勁的程式,正在開發中)

● Video Player: 支援 AVI, MPG, MP4, WMV.
● Audio Player: 支援 MP3, AT3, WMA.
● Photo Viewer: 支援 BMP, JPG, PNG, TIFF.
● EBOOT Launcher: 引導EBOOT文件,可選擇在dash或普通執行
● Web Browser: 功能跟PSP Firmware 2.0差不多
● 支援flash和streaming audio格式
ISO Loader: (暫未知道可否引導2.0的遊戲)
● 在線版本更新
● 按HOME鍵可回到Dashboard界面(並不是PSP本體的主頁)


Tonight we received word from NytriX of Team Sibriam about an upcoming PSP dashboard they are currently working on called PSP SibriOS.

We're told by NytriX that the iSO Loader and Web Browser are almost completed, the Update Feature is currently being worked on, and to expect further news on PSP SibriOS shortly. However, we have (for now) labeled this cool news as a Rumor simply because the only thing we've seen is the screenshot (attached). Hopefully a preliminary release will be available soon- stay tuned! For those interested, final features are said to include:

* Video Player, with support for the following formats: AVI, MPG, MP4, WMV.
* Audio Player, with support for the following formats: MP3, AT3, WMA.
* Photo Viewer, support for the for the following formats: BMP, JPG, PNG, TIFF.
* EBOOT Launcher, with a choice of launching EBOOT files within the dash or as usual, by itself.
* Web Browser, that launches within the dashboard, like the 2.XX browser.
* Flash and streaming audio and video support in the future.
* iSO Loader, Self-Explanitory.
* Update Feature, Similar to PSiX and Network Update, used to update the
dashboard to a newer version.
* Home button will return to dashboard... not to the $ony OS.
