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PocketBreeze 5.2 official

作者: wen 日期: 2007-3-6 22:10 閱讀: 781打印 收藏

PocketBreeze 5.2 official release!

PocketBreeze 5.2 includes lots of new features with it, fixes and code optimizations. A large part of our development for this new version was focused in simplifying the usage and user experience when using PocketBreeze, while maintaining the powerful capabilities offered by PocketBreeze. Additionally you will find lots of optimization that was done to fully support new devices capabilities such as new one-handed navigation improvements, full support for square screen, QWERTY keyboards and of course complete support for the newly released Windows Mobile 6 devices!

PocketBreeze 5.2 upgrade is a free upgrade for all PocketBreeze 5.X registered users.

Read more about this release at the following URL:

Download here

To download the new PocketBreeze 5.2 complete ZIP file follow the URL below:

To download Over The Air CAB file for Pocket PC 2002 devices follow the URL below:

To download Over The Air CAB file for Pocket PC 2003 devices follow the URL below:

To download Over The Air CAB file for Windows Mobile 5 devices follow the URL below:

已上傳 cab files for 2002 2003 WM5 與 keygen,共3個壓縮檔。





[此帖子已經被作者於2007/3/6 22:13:11編輯過]

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