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發表於 2011-5-24 03:12
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作者: chuan 日期: 2011-5-24 03:12 閱讀: 1182 人
大 中
比爾蓋茲給畢業生11個建議4 g1 } z; i& T5 U. S3 Q
1 N( b5 O) l3 [: b0 X
7 E* a/ G2 q2 R5 f* r& g- uBill Gates gave at a graduation ceremony of 11 graduates of the recommendations of personal hygiene, and perhaps also instructive for us
$ r3 E+ ]6 d) D. Z& P) a: K7 b' D" C' w' y' c; }/ d
1.人生是不公平的,習慣去接受它 吧!
( H* F0 _# N% }1. Life is not fair, get used to it now!/ ?' l1 X. L" c1 o4 S$ b0 n, V; ^$ C
5 y) R$ t8 G; `2 x( A3 R& T1 J
2.這個世界不會在乎你的自尊,這個世 界期望你先做出成績,再去強調自己的感受。$ n7 k1 q- h8 K) ]7 u4 W
2. The world does not care about your self-esteem, to make the world look forward to your first performance, go emphasize their feelings.
8 H5 y( Q) L3 J7 F# w9 [8 c3 k1 S X ]2 h: z- r) f
& [ G( M X6 O; J/ h& e! i% {
3.你不會一離開學校就有百萬年 薪,你不會馬上就是擁有行動電話的副總裁,二者你都必須靠努力賺來。
8 [ ~7 h5 S! j/ `3 o' U3 ] K8 P3. You will not have to leave school a million annual salary, you will not soon be vice president of mobile phone ownership, the two you have to be earned through hard work.
. Q* \8 h" _- Y8 U
: V+ w5 D' g5 m4 m' Y4.如果你覺得你的老師很兇,等你有了 老闆就知道了,老闆是沒有工作任期保障的。/ \2 D; n( M$ l& w- M1 |
4. If you think your teacher is fierce, so you get a boss to know the boss is not the work of security of tenure./ `& k& P2 z# v1 P
) R( d0 d6 x, a n- K4 m( L X% Q! l
: j+ v% M3 q) X) a& ?5.在速食店煎漢堡並不是作賤自 己,你的祖父母對煎漢堡有完全不同的定義:機會。
! B- S9 ~' Y5 l0 j5. Degrades their fast food is not fried hamburgers, fried hamburger on your grandparents have a totally different definition: an opportunity.
% L; x' f' @ s" K' B+ k: {9 W: Q* E) ], B$ L0 W% @/ ]
: S" R" Y) B" i7 \6.如果你一事無成,不是你父母的錯, 所以不要只會對自己犯的錯發牢騷,從錯誤中去學習。" y5 x- `9 M l2 z- X8 L) T, h( t
6. If you nowhere, not your parents fault, so do not commit the fault of their own will complain, to learn from mistakes.+ ]& \ ^9 H f( E+ k' D( s
$ M' W* k7 C. q* m; K! f
9 s; e8 Y) H1 u5 g1 H3 L0 a
7.在你出生前,你的父母並不像現 在這般無趣,他們變成這樣是因為忙著付你的開銷,洗你的衣服,聽你吹噓自己有多了不起。* a- n, y5 M8 o1 |. {6 V
所以在你拯救被父母這代人破壞的 熱帶雨林前,先整理一下自己的房間吧!
1 q4 g1 J3 H9 h: U! z8 F9 N7. Before you were born, your parents do not like so boring, because they become so busy to pay your overhead, wash your clothes and listening to brag about how great you are.* J4 {9 T1 J1 [; q/ J
So you were the parents of this generation to save the tropical rain forest destruction before tidy his room now!
. E& _! [/ r* p% f( k
4 |9 h3 d+ ]( N$ A! G2 P. q3 r8.在學校裡可能有贏家和輸家,在人生 中卻還言之過早。0 Z9 ^5 [" L: H. Y! L. U
學校可能會不斷給你機會找到正確答 案,真實人生中卻完全不是這麼回事。: s% e3 h" f- x: o/ s; k4 o- Z
8. In the school there may be winners and losers in life are still premature.
0 w/ @: ]' `, V8 Y2 F+ Q5 MSchools may continue to give you a chance to get the right answer, the real life is simply not the case.& w% E# v2 Y" i" B/ v# o- G
( C* m& i( }' L9.人生不是學期制,人生沒有寒暑 假,沒有哪個雇主有興趣協助你找尋自我,請用自己的空暇做這件事吧!
! V/ [0 Y; Y S2 V7 L$ c7 p9. Life is not a semester system, life without summer vacation, and no employer to help you find self-interest, use their spare time to do it now! D! e8 Y7 a/ _2 ]
, s2 ~+ C. y" m% \3 }. k
10.電視上演得並不是真實的人生。真實 人生中每個人都要離開咖啡廳去上班。7 v! a T# L, l0 C
10. Television were not as real life. Real life that everyone leave the coffee shop to work. o) y+ A- u6 F' H9 l/ ~
* u4 f/ c3 _7 A T
11.對書呆子好一點,你未來很可能 就為其中一個工作。9 c' S7 t$ r* u
11. On the nerd better, your future is likely to work for one. |