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Microsoft Windows 8 Build 7955 Ultimate

作者: pele 日期: 2011-6-12 19:28 閱讀: 1632打印 收藏
Microsoft Windows 8 Build 7955 UltimateMicrosoft Windows 8 Build 7955 Ultimate / ENG / ISO / Fully Activated / 2.37 Gb / 1 Link
CRC32: D411C80D
MD5: 4C18F0096E09F148ED84B4D14B2EDBA7
SHA-1: FFA479E062DF3F155AEEE9A911C9307092DAC21B
Required Processor
1GHz or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor

Required Memory
1GB RAM (32-bit) / 2GB RAM (64-bit)

Required Hard Disk Space
16GB available disk space (32-bit) / 20 GB (64-bit). For the download version, an additional 3GB is required.
CRC32: D411C80D
MD5: 4C18F0096E09F148ED84B4D14B2EDBA7
SHA-1: FFA479E062DF3F155AEEE9A911C9307092DAC21B

Required Processor
1GHz or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor

Required Memory
1GB RAM (32-bit) / 2GB RAM (64-bit)

Required Hard Disk Space
16GB available disk space (32-bit) / 20 GB (64-bit). For the download version, an additional 3GB is required.
最新Windows 8 M2測試版本流出 Microsoft將推出「Windows Store」服務
Microsoft 正積極為下一代 Windows 8 作業系統而努力,最近向軟體業者發放最新 M2 版本 Build 6.2.7955 被流出,測試版本為 32Bit Ultimate 版本, ISO 檔案大小為 2.47GB ,此版本已可使用 Ribbon 使用介面、 Application Folder 及 Full DWM 等功能,但不少內核仍然基於舊有的 Windows 7 ,相信距離 Windows 8 正式上市尚有一段距離。

此外, Windows 8 M2 版本 Build 6.2.7955 的另一焦點,是它建有名為「 Windows Store 」的全新功能,相信大家也能猜出它的作用,與 Apple iOS 及 Mac OS 的 AppStore 功能近似,透過網路給向用家推介軟體,包括免費及收費的在內並提供試用服務。

雖然 Apple iOS 的 AppStore 十分成功,但在 Mac OS 平台上難以把氣勢延展,究竟「 Windows Store 」能否為 Windows 8 帶來更佳的使用體驗,並成為 Microsoft 未來營收成長新商機令人質疑。

現時, Windows 8 M2 版本有大部份新功能均被鎖上,主要是透過 Registry 及關閉 Service 的方式進行限制,因此不少玩家正在研究 M2 版本 Build 6.2.7955 流出版本,企圖把下代 Windows 8 作業系統的新增功能找出來。

就「 Windows Store 」功能向 Microsoft 作出查證, Microsoft 表示不會對未發表的產品作出任何評論。

Microsoft Windows 8 M2 Build 7995 的版權宣示

在全新 M2 Build 7995 版本中找到 Windows Store Service

Source: http://www.hkepc.com/6441

Required Media Drive
DVD/CD authoring requires a compatible optical drive

Required Connectivity
Internet access (fees may apply)

Required Sound Card
Music and sound require audio output

Required Video Card
DirectX 9 graphics processor with WDDM 1.0 or later driver.

Additional System Requirements
Windows XP mode requires at least 2 GB of RAM (32-bit)/3 GB RAM (64-bit) and 15 GB of available disk space.

Product functionality and graphics may vary based on your system configuration. Some features may require advanced or additional hardware.

Required Media Drive
DVD/CD authoring requires a compatible optical drive

Required Connectivity
Internet access (fees may apply)

Required Sound Card
Music and sound require audio output

Required Video Card
DirectX 9 graphics processor with WDDM 1.0 or later driver.

Additional System Requirements
Windows XP mode requires at least 2 GB of RAM (32-bit)/3 GB RAM (64-bit) and 15 GB of available disk space.

Product functionality and graphics may vary based on your system configuration. Some features may require advanced or additional hardware.

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1# pele

感謝大大無私地分享~ 抓來試試看了
1# pele
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