3.40 更新項目
- Updated from 3.30 firmware to 3.40
升級 3.30 到 3.40
- Security patch: Fixed a bug that has been in all 3.XX OE, that caused random data to be written to a location
in lcdc.prx or (in worst case) emc_sm.prx ram space.
安全問題修正: 修正了一個存在於所以 3.xx 系統問題, 該問題會導致一些隨機的資料亂寫到 lcdc.prx 或 在差的情況時還可能寫入 emc_sm.prx (記憶體中的空間)
- Autboot that is missing since 3.03 OE-C has been reimplemented.
加回 Auboot 檔案入系統
- Improvements in the flasher. It will now generate also the flash1 directories, and it will
check that the dxar is the correct for this update, so no more bricks by accidentally using
other DATA.DXAR.
改進了Flasher, 現在會自動生成Flash 1 資料夾, 及檢查DATA.DXAR是否正確, 從而減少變磚風險!