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標題: Microangelo.Toolset v6.03.Retail [打印本頁]

作者: wen    時間: 2006-10-4 01:38     標題: Microangelo.Toolset v6.03.Retail

Microangelo.Toolset v6.03.Retail

Microangelo 可以製作 .ico/.ani/.cur 游標, 還支持替換 Windows系統中的預定圖示, 是您的系統更加個性化。還提供 .icl 圖示庫支持,可以自己建立/編輯/成立圖示庫文件。還有圖示資源瀏覽器, 可以檢測出包括圖示資源的文件(比如 .exe/.dll/.cox/.cls/等等), 支持直接修改 .exe文件中的圖示資源, 可以改您的應用程式換個圖示。Microangelo Toolset 6包含了4個整合的圖示工具,Librarian,Studio ,Animator和Explorer。全部支持windows Vista高分辨率(256x256)的圖示格式。Librarian是一個圖示庫工具,支持從95到Vista的全部格式圖示。Studio是圖示設計製作工具,功能強大。Animator是ANI格式文件編輯器,Explorer是圖示瀏覽工具,支持全系列的Microangelo出品的軟件。

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Creating state-of-the-art icons and cursors for Windows XP and Vista is just one of many capabilities you'll enjoy in Microangelo Toolset 6. Integrated components allow you to edit program icons, explore, view, search, extract, replace, animate, and much more!

Create Windows XP and Vista icons with Studio, Toolset's XP and Vista icon editor. Studio's tools and features are specifically designed and optimized to create outstanding miniature graphics. New features include a rich gradient tool that creates smooth blends of unlimited colors and transparency levels. Project templates and improved import and scaling options ease the task of creating required image sizes and color depths.

Toolset 6 provides complete support for the new, hi-resolution (256x256) icons and PNG image compression introduced in Windows Vista.



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