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標題: WebMonitor v2011.20110218 監控Web流量 [打印本頁]

作者: wen    時間: 2011-5-16 05:39     標題: WebMonitor v2011.20110218 監控Web流量

GFI WebMonitor v2011.20110218GFI WebMonitor v2011.20110218 | 41.3 MB
GFI WebMonitor可以既時HTTP/FTP監視,防病毒和訪問控制。GFI WebMonitor是一個為Microsoft ISA Server
*為何選用**GFI WebMonitor*
>安裝在ISA Server 2000和2004
>允許你監控和阻止用戶正在瀏覽的網站和正在下載的文件 – 既時!
即時監控員工連線Internet的狀態 - 企業必須針對員工上網行為進行一定程度的控制 – 除了維持員工生產力的原因之外,同時也可以協助員工遠離成人網站,並且確保下載的檔案是安全無虞的。傳統的 Web Proxy Filter 解決方案需要繁雜的安裝與管理、價格不斐、記錄資料很難分析且無法動態即時監控。
下載檔案控管與病毒掃瞄 - GFI WebMonitor 建構在 Microsoft ISA Server,協助企業『即時』監控員工瀏覽的網站以及下載的檔案,它也可以阻擋色情網站的瀏覽及針對所有下載檔案進行病毒掃瞄,GFI WebMonitor 可以隱匿在企業網路中進行員工上網行為的控管。
網址分類預防使用者瀏覽不適當網站 - GFI WebMonitor的WebGrade網址分類資料庫,已經包括超過165萬筆網址記錄,分為超過70個分類;系統管理者可以針對不同群組使用者給允不同類別網址瀏覽權限,例如員工於上班時間不允許瀏覽股票網站。

開 發 商:
軟件語言: 英文 軟件類別: 國外軟件 / 檢測監控
應用平台: Win2003/WinXP/Win2000

Research by IDC shows that up to 40% of employee Internet access is non-work related. While shutting off Internet access is impractical, Internet monitoring and access control software enables network administrators to reduce unproductive Internet use: GFI WebMonitor™ helps you boost employee productivity by giving you the ability to monitor and control Internet access in real time, ensuring that employee web browsing activity is aligned with business needs, and that any files downloaded are free of viruses and other malware.

GFI WebMonitor 一款供Microsoft ISA Server 和TMG Server使用的監控軟體,它可以幫你即時監
使用GFI WebMonitor 管理員可以通過瀏覽器檢視最近的站點訪問和下載記錄。只要在瀏覽器中輸入http://monitor.isa 就可以顯示出哪些用戶訪問過哪些站點,下載過哪些文件。您只要花其它網絡訪問控制軟件、監視和防病毒軟件的一個零頭就可以購買到擁有所有這些功能的GFI WebMonitor。50用戶授權價格為 495,100用戶授權價格為 695,無限製版本價格為 1995。因為本產品執行於ISA Server 之上,所以不需要專用服務器和對其的特別配置。
使用Norman 病毒控制和BitDefender 加倍預防病毒:
GFI WebMonitor 捆綁了Norman 病毒控制和BitDefender。Norman病毒控制是一款連續獲得過16次100%病毒公告牌獎的專業行業防毒引擎。它同時還獲得了ICSA和Checkmark的授權。BitDefender 是一款高速病毒掃瞄引擎,能夠比其它掃毒引擎更快的掃瞄病毒,且能掃瞄更多的文件格式。BitDefender也是ICSA 授權的,且也獲得過100%病毒公告牌獎和2002歐洲信息技術獎。GFI WebMonitor 支持自動更新Norman 和BitDefender一年。
在上述病毒防護基礎之上,用戶可以選擇新增Kaspersky 超級病毒防護引擎,這是一個可選項。Kaspersky 的超級防護資料庫可以檢測遠端控制、鍵盤記錄、密碼檢測、自動撥號付費網、自動下載惡意程式等多種入侵形式。Kaspersky 支持自動更新。
GFI WebMonitor 可以實現通過Yahoo 安全搜索的分類內容來過濾成人站點。與其它本地過濾資料庫不同的是,面對不斷出現的成人站點,它的資料不是固定的,也不需要手動更新,當某一用戶試圖登入某一站點時,GFI WebMonitor 自動先連到Yahoo 安全搜索引擎,檢測要連接的站點是否含有成人內容。如果含有成人內容,則此站點被自動加入到ISA Server 的成人站點列表中。ISA管理員可以通過制定公共訪問隔離規則來隔離此站點。用戶還可以通過編輯腳本的方式來新增過濾引擎,只要用戶能獲得其它引擎的服務。
惡意程式例如木馬下載程式,通常把自己偽裝成系統文件。GFI WebMonitor 通過內置的文件簽名掃瞄分析引擎來檢測通過HTTP或FTP下載的文件的真實文件類型。
GFI WebMonitor 通過以下方式實現全面簡便的網絡活動監視:
當你想屏蔽某一用戶所瀏覽的站點時,使用GFI WebMonitor 將此站點新增到ISA Server 2004 的地址屏蔽規則集中。ISA Server 2004 的所有規則屬性都可以被相容,包括屏蔽某一用戶、屏蔽時限等。此功能只當基於ISA Server 2004 時有效。
一些軟件可以自動連接到主頁下載升級程式,雖然這樣做對管理員來說更加便捷了,但某些惡意軟件也可以利用同樣的技術下載木馬、間諜軟件、廣告、成人軟件。GFI WebMonitor 允許你指定哪些站點是合法的升級站點,例如:Microsoft 網站。
GFI WebMonitor允許你設定哪些用戶可以訪問配置和監視界面。還可以將用戶名和IP綁定。只有在GFI WebMonitor授權的用戶/IP列表中的用戶才准許訪問。

Granular Internet monitoring
GFI WebMonitor’s Internet monitoring capabilities provide visibility into what sites your users are browsing, how much time they are spending and how much bandwidth they’re consuming. It also provides interactive drill-down capabilities, showing you the site categories being visited by particular users, how much time and bandwidth is being consumed, and more. This is often the first step towards formulating an effective Internet Usage Policy that meets your specific business needs.

Web filtering with time, bandwidth and category based policies
GFI WebMonitor lets you define web filtering and web browsing policies to help enforce an effective Internet Usage Policy. Administrators can allow or restrict access to different website categories as well as setting time or bandwidth thresholds, on a per user or per IP basis. GFI WebMonitor’s extensive site categorization database, with coverage of over 205,000,000 domains that are updated daily, enables you to manage what sites your users can browse while blocking access to websites in particular categories, such as adult materials, gaming, personal email, P2P, social networks like Facebook and MySpace, and more.

Web security to protect against viruses, spyware, phishing scams and other malware
GFI WebMonitor also offers web security features that allow you to define policies which control what type of files your users can download – blocking dangerous file types such as executables and others like MP3s, on a per user or per IP basis. GFI WebMonitor uses multiple antivirus engines to scan all downloads for viruses, spyware and malware, and lowers the risk of social engineering by blocking access to phishing websites. It also allows you to monitor and block MSN/Live Messenger chat sessions and file transfers while its HTTPS scanning ensures that users do not bypass your web security measures by downloading files through an HTTPS-encrypted channel.

Why use GFI WebMonitor?
•Increase productivity and reduce cyberslacking – time wasted by employees online – through granular monitoring and management of employee web browsing habits

•Formulate and enforce an effective Internet Usage Policy

•Maximize available bandwidth by controlling what type of sites can be visited, setting time and bandwidth thresholds, and through proxy caching

•Protect the network from dangerous downloads in real time by managing what type of files users can download and benefitting from multiple antivirus engines to scan for viruses and other malware

•Block socially-engineered phishing scam websites and prevent data leakage through such sites

•Scan HTTPS-encrypted traffic for additional security.


Top Features
•Granular user/site/bandwidth monitoring with interactive drilldown

•Monitoring and blocking of connections in real time

•Time- and bandwidth-based web browsing policies

•Website category-based web filtering policies using WebGrade™ database with coverage of 205 million URLs

•User/Group/IP-based download control policies to control which file types users can download

•Scanning of downloaded files via multiple antivirus engines - Norman and BitDefender included by default, Kaspersky is optional

•Protection against socially engineered phishing websites

•MSN/Live Messenger control

•HTTPS scanning

•Top Policy Breakers

Other Features
•Web proxy caching

•Security controlled access to the configuration and monitoring interfaces

•Exceptions through whitelist and blacklists

•Monitor and block applications' hidden downloads

•WebGrade online lookups

•Web filtering policy exceptions

•Support for virtual environments

•Assistance in mitigating legal liability


使用GFI WebMonitor for ISA Server監控Web流量


GFI WebMonitor for ISA Server是GFI公司推出的一款ISA Server的監視插件,你可以通過它來既時監控用戶瀏覽的網站以及下載的文件,並且在WebMonitor 3.0後整合了GFI download security中的對下載的內容進行反病毒掃瞄的功能,這樣可以保證用戶所瀏覽的網頁及下載的文件的安全性。

GFI WebMonitor for ISA Server的主要特性有:





與ISA防火牆良好的相容性,支持ISA Server 2000/2004,包括標準版和企業版;




目前GFI WebMonitor for ISA Server的最新版本,大家可以從GFI網站(需要註冊後才能下載,並且在你註冊後GFI會給你一個60天的使用授權)或者從ISA中文站(30天試用版本)下載。在試用期30天滿後,如果你沒有60天的試用授權以及沒有購買正式License,那麼WebMonitor會作為免費版本來執行。免費版本和授權版本之間的區別在於免費版本只具有監控功能,而不具有下載文件掃瞄等高階功能。






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